Audirvana plus 2
Audirvana plus 2

audirvana plus 2

Its new interface for Windows 10 will be presented in a World Premiere during the High End Show in Munich, 10 – “Audirvana launches its version of Audirvana Plus for Windows 10 Audirvana Plus, the hi-fi software player acclaimed worldwide, now comes to PC users. There is a 15 day free trail available and the approximate retail cost should be around $74 US. Just in time for the worldwide Munich audio show, Damien is launching the release of a version of Audirvana Plus for Windows 10, which should hit the market shortly afterward in June of this year. In the case of the latter, there is also integration for Tidal (and Qobuz).

audirvana plus 2 audirvana plus 2

Creator Damien Plisson has been on the move into PC territory and has always provided compatibility and playback for the latest tech – which now includes DSD and even MQA. Our positive experiences with the software in both improved sound quality and ease-of-use have landed it as the go-to player for many test runs, reviews and even late Saturday nights at the lab here. Today that changes for the once exclusive Audrivana player. And even though there are a few great free and premium players for other platforms, many of both the hardware and software sides of digital coin have catered to the simple driverless, high resolution options available for Macs. While not every audiophile is an Apple lover (many share a downright distaste for the brand) the Macalishish company has certainly laid its hands over many aspects of high fidelity digital playback.

Audirvana plus 2